Virginia Emergency Services by County
Click the link on the county you are CURRENTLY located in for additional information. When in doubt, do not hesitate to call 911.
Emergency Mental Health Services: 703-573-5679
Domestic Violence and Abuse: 703-360-7273
Emergency Mental Health Services: 703-228-5160
Domestic Violence and Abuse: 703-237-0881
Emergency Mental Health Services: 703-777-0320
Domestic Violence and Abuse: 703-777-6552
Community Services 703-792-7800 or 703-792-4900
Community Services: 540-825-5656
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocacy Program: 540-422-8460
SAFE (Services to Abused Families): 540-825-8876
Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Mental Health Emergencies Phone: 540-373-6876
Domestic Violence Phone: 540-373-9373
Spotsylvania County: 540-373-6876
Caroline County: 804-633-4148
King George County: 540-775-5064
National Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line: text MHA to 741-741
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-779-SAFE (7233)
Child Protective Services: 800-552-7096
Adult Protective Services: 888-832-3858